5 Days to Heal Your Weight for Just $297
Stop binging, release body anxiety, and reconnect to your power.
Are you ready to stop wasting time and money on things that don’t work?
In this 5-day challenge video series, we work on healing the ROOT issues when it comes to compulsive eating and low self-esteem.
I know you might really really want to lose weight. But know that your weight and your preoccupation with your weight is a symptom of a larger problem.
This means that when you focus on your weight as something that needs fixing, the actual issue tends to get worse. This is often why you find yourself losing and gaining the same weight, or dropping weight and picking up smoking. Or losing weight and discovering that it didn’t change anything.
The weight was a temporary distraction. The more you focus on the weight the more you overeat and the less satisfied you feel about your body.
This is why we are going to HEAL your weight. So you can create real change and transformation in your body and your life.
However, nothing is going to change if you don’t finally DO something different. And THIS IS IT. This is the thing you’re going to do differently.
You’re going to remember this day when you invested in 5 Days to Heal Your Weight because this is the day you reconnected to your true power. This is the day you chose to come home to yourself.
Get lifetime access to 5 Days to Heal Your Weight for just $297
You KNOW you were meant for more. You know there’s more to life than this but your days are spent thinking about food and worrying about your body.
Imagine being able to eat a donut without spiraling into a “how much can I eat before anyone gets home” hole?
You might not think that’s possible. Maybe you’ve tried alllll the diets and all the tricks and nothing has worked.
You still don’t like your body and to top it off, you feel so out of control around food.
If you know what it’s like to:
- Hide wrappers so no one finds out how much you ate.
- Eat in secret.
- Skip social events so you can eat alone.
- Eat so much you’re left heavy breathing on the couch.
- Feel so isolated because you’re keeping a big secret.
Then this is for you.
By the end of these 5 days you will experience what it’s like to eat without guilt, to eat without losing control and what it feels like to be nicer, more loving to your body.
Get instant and lifetime access to this 5 Day Challenge so that you can revisit the practices at your convenience.
Learn to trust your body, listen to your body, and understand how that relates to the food you eat.
Feel more in control around food.
Know your inherent worth (that you can’t do ANYTHING to devalue).
Choose happiness right NOW- in the body you’re already in.
Experience what it's like to be binge-free and in control around your food.
Imagine, wanting to have a doughnut and having said doughnut without a second thought. No fear, no guilt. You’re not going to bed later than night worrying about what the scale might say in the morning because of that doughnut.
Imagine spending time with loved ones and you’re completely present with them, you get to belly laugh with them, without desperately trying to avoid the snack table.
Imagine FINALLY feeling confident, light, and free in your body.
It's time for you to regain control around food, feel GOOD about your body, and stop abandoning yourself for the approval of others.
See what type of results and breakthroughs our challengers are already having!